Powder Coating Conveyor Systems
1. industrial powder coating equipmen
2. Our powder coating equipment can be customised to your individual requirements
3. Conveyorised plants can use either a motorised conveyor or free (push and pull)type
Continuous Painting Powder Coating Conveyor Line Equipment OEM
Conveyor System
Powder Coating chain

COLOmanufacture, install and train in the use of industrial powder coatingequipment. We offer conveyorised powder coating plant for customers withmanufacturing operations of sufficient size to make this type of planteconomical. Our
powder coating equipment can be customised to yourindividual requirements allowing us to offer you the solution that bestsuits your situation. We have extensive knowledge and experience in thepowder coating industry and our current products are the culmination ofmany years work and continual improvements to our designs.
Conveyorisedplants can use either a motorised conveyor or free (push and pull)type. This type benefits from the fact that the oven doors can be closedthereby greatly reducing the running costs and in addition the sprayoperator has ample time to spray the product correctly, also the capitalcosts are much lower.