Powder coating is increasingly accepted as thepreferred finishing process for the future for many applications. Increasinglystringentenvironmental regulations,rising costs in all areas, anddemands by consumersfor better quality andmore durable products areamong the challenges facingtoday's finisher.Powder coating provides asolution to these challenges andothers.
Powdercoating is the technique of applyingstatically charged dry paint to apart which is then heated in an oven tomelt and curethe paint. Thefinal cured coating is the same as a 2-packwet paint. The powderedpaint is normally applied by using a powder feedsystem and gun toelectrostatically charge and spray the powder onto thepart. For someuses, such aspipes, the part being coated is dipped into afluidised bedof powder. The partis then placed in a curing oven. Duringthe curingprocess a chemicalcross-linking reaction is triggered and itis thischemical reaction whichgives the powder coating many of itsdesirableproperties.
Powder Coating gives a dry,clean,durable coating.It is environmentally friendly. Unlike liquid finishingwere solvents areused, powder coatings do not release VolatileOrganicCompounds into theatmosphere. Unlike wet spraying, in many casesthe over sprayed powdercan be recycled for re-use.
Powdercoating can produce much thicker coatingthanconventional liquidcoatings without running or sagging. Additionallya widerange of effectsare easily accomplished which would be impossibleto achievewith othercoating processes.

Capital equipment and operating costs for powdercoating lines are generally less than for conventional wet spray lines.
Withone of the Chinese largest installed bases ofpowder applicationequipment,COLO brings the confidenceand expertise thatcomes with beingthe global leader in powder coatingequipment. Evenafter over 40 yearsin business, COLO continue to explore newways toguarantee customersbetter cost effectiveness and quality.
COLOhave revolutionized the industry with productslike the COLO-OptiFlexmanual and automatic powder coatingsystems,advanced booth systems Wehave vast experience in the supplyandinstallation of their full rangeof
powder coating equipment.
Colo'stechnology, quality,and research, coupledwith the local backup andsupport of The Surface Finishing EquipmentGroup has brought ourcustomers the decisive advantages inpowder coatingtechnology.