Simple to install, easy to use and delivers
outstanding performance
Simple to configure and install
From the location of the automatic gun slots, to the manual openings, to the
collector module and the aerodynamic design of the vestibules, theintelligent
Series booth is designed for efficiency. The booth is available in three basic
configurations: conveyorized, walk-in and lab-style. Each version can be
specifically tailored to your precise powder application need.
Easy to use
The proven performance of Gema's horizontal filter design makes easy
access and maintenance a snap. Our side-draft cartridge modules are
interchangeable, making color change simple and easy. The mobile cartridge
collector assembly features an automatic locking device for a tight fit.
Outstanding performance
The cartridge filter design is outstanding and helps maximize powder
recovery performance and filter life. Recovery air is uniformly disbursed and
recycled through highly efficient safety filtration media.
The cartridge booth with the intelligent design
Total Compatibility
The intelligent Series coating
booth is compatible with our
automatic and manual guns.
Whether you go with aintelligent conveyorized booth, aintelligent walk-in booth
or aintelligent lab-style booth, your system will provide you with excellent
powder containment characteristics, while meeting or surpassing industry
safety standards. Regardless of which booth you choose, with features like
these, you'll be making a intelligent choice.
- Simple and flexible design
- Maximum recovery efficiency
- Multiple color capabilities
- Easy cleaning
- All filter media accessible and easily replaced
- Minimal maintenance required
- Optimum use of plant floor space