Whatdo you need to get Powder Coating?
Spraybooth:The first requirement of any Powder Coating System is aSpraybooth in which to apply the Powder. This serves a number of functions:
1) It ensures that oversprayed Powder is ventilated away from the Operator(s)
2) It provides extraction to prevent Powder escaping into the factory areas
3) It collects the Powder and can provide facility for reclaiming overspray Powder

the "automatic powder spray booth of powder painting system"include "auto-powder coating booth" & "manual powder coatingbooth", automatic type booth is longer than manual type under sameproduction condition.
Every powder coating booth is made together with a "filter recovery system",filter recovery system can recover powder coating ≥98%; we have varieskinds of filter recovery system, usually customer select from "monocyclone + after filters recovery system" and "multi-cyclone + afterfilters recovery system" and " twin-filter cartridge recovery system".
Automatic type powder coating line ismade together with auto-powder coating gun and reciprocator and conveyorand so on; manual type powder coating line is made together with manualpowder coating gun and top track and so on.
We could make the powder coating booth with stainless steel or usual carbon steel.
Powder coating booth needs to be customized according to customer's products.
CuringOven : All Powders cure at high temperatures, usually between160 and 220 Centigrade. Therefore an Oven is required to place the parts afterthey have been sprayed.
A number of types of Oven are available, including:
1) Box TypeOvens, into which the product may be wheeled or carried.
2)Conveyorised Ovens, whereby the product is hung from a motorisedtrack which passes through the Oven.

PowderSpraying System:
TheSpraying System is the device that applies the Powder. This is often called the 'Powder Gun' and serves the following functions:
1) It has a system for storing new and recycled Powder,often this may be the Box in which it is delivered from the supplier.
2) It fluidises the Powder i.e. it gently blows air intothe Powder, effectively bestowing it with the characteristics of a liquid.
3) It has a nozzle system which allows the Powder to beblown onto the product.
4) It has an Electrostatic charging system which charges the Powder Particles causing them to be attracted to the part requiring coating.