Drivethrough a geared motor unit to the track chains.pusher dog in thetrack to throw the chains. then make the chain moving.track type toensure free and smooth transmission of power. it's quieter.

drive unit is divided into the the standard drivingseat and heavy-duty driving seat two are my own development andproduction plant. Principle for speed motor output power, after reducerby force, sent to drive the track, struck by the finger on the drive thetrack to the conveyor chain. So that the chain is moved forward. Smoothtransmission, low noise, high reliability and transmission power.
Crawler driving seat
crawler load limit driving seat
In the the general crawler driving seat based on the installation of aspring-limit pull device when abnormal situation when the chain jammedthe driving seat to move some distance to the chain running in theopposite direction during the operation, when it hits installed inspecific position switch, the conveyor stops running and the police.When troubleshooting, it is automatically restored to its originalposition. Smooth transmission, low noise, and reliability of thetransmission power.
Cattle driving seat
The motor reducer output power to the sprockets, chains and direct rolein the chain, cuff links, which in turn drives the chain walk. Simple,compact, easy to install, easy to adjust, apply to the shorter length ofthe conveyor.
Drive unit
The drive unit is divided into the the standard driving seat with heavydriving seat two, its mechanism speed motor output power passed to drivethe track, drive the track on the claw to toggle the output chaingrowth through a reduction, The chain forward movement. Smoothtransmission, low noise, high reliability power transmission